15 June 2009

Pregnant Feet at Week 18.

As a reflexologist with a special interest and training in maternity reflexology I was keen to follow a pair of feet throughout pregnancy to see how the amazing changes taking place in the mom-to-be's body were truly reflected in the feet. My wonderful client, who I shall call Eve, has allowed me to photograph her feet at around three week intervals when she enjoys a reflexology session.

According to the theory of reflexology the areas of the body are reflected in specific areas of the feet. The reflex position for the growing uterus is below the ankle towards the arch of the foot. At 16 weeks the pregnancy is positioned around the arch of the foot nearest to the heel. At week 18 this area is full and notably rounded. This area would be expected to develop more as the pregnancy progresses, with the whole arch and centre of the foot becoming full and bounding as the baby grows. Most women report their shoe size changes, and their feet alter shape and size as their bodies change so dramatically. Hopefully this blog will enable us to see the specific changes more clearly. Thank you Eve!

Between 16 and 20 weeks the mum-to-be will usually feel the baby move, known historically as Quickening. This point for some represents the time that the baby begins to develop as an individual human being, but this opinion is fiercely debated and many beliefs exist as to when this change takes place. The foetus wriggles and can suck their thumb, hiccup and pass urine as they swallow some of the amniotic fluid which surrounds them. The baby can hear their mum talking, breathing, digestive noises and of course heart beat. The foetus is also starting to explore their body and surroundings through touch. They can also respond to the mothers emotions, and usually enjoy the feelings of relaxation during a reflexology session.

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