05 October 2009

Pregnant feet at 39 weeks..

Eve is now absolutely completely and totally 100% ready to give birth to her baby. The house is ready, the hospital bag is ready, the nursery is ready, her family are ready.... but it seems the baby isn't ready just yet!
This reflexology session was aimed at relaxation to promote Eve's calm feel good hormones and lower any stress hormones that may prevent labour beginning. If mom-to-be is calm and ready for baby then this has to be an advantage rather than a stressed anxious mom who may well be exhausted before the labour even begins.
The bump on Eve's feet is now lower and more even on the right and left foot. This reflects the lie of the baby. Eve now feels she is engaged ( midwife agrees) and her spine is running down the front of Eve's belly, a great position ready for the birth.
Eve is having strong tightenings and hopes that the birth is a day or two away. She has great plans for bonding with baby after delivery and these positive thoughts are a great focus at this time.
WE plan to meet up again next week ( unless baby decides otherwise) as at 40 weeks priming for labour can be introduced to the sessions.

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